To have a successful life, one must set his objectives. He must also have to take some steps that will help him achieve the said objectives. Just like any other student, I also have my own set of objectives in life. Most of my objectives are much more related to my family because they are the first reason why I am setting these objectives.
After discussing the topic Systems Development Life Cycle in our Systems Analysis and Design I subject, I observed that developing a system is also similar with achieving my objectives. Some of the phases gave me ideas on how I can get closer with my objectives and how I can eventually achieve them.
There are only two phases in my own version of SDLC. These are the Planning Phase and the Implementation Phase.
This phase is important since this is the starting point of everything. First thing to do is to have a list of the possible objectives. I listed everything that came into my mind. I reviewed what I listed and found out that some of them are not necessary so I just left the important ones. After having the list, I had a talk with my family. Even though not formal, I still had the chance to ask for some advice and suggestions. When I already had my final list, I put some estimated time for each of my objectives for me to have a guide. Also in this phase, I have to decide on what steps should I take and how I can achieve those things. I should weigh things carefully so I can have what I really intend to have.
In this phase, I should start what I had planned. This time, I put my words into action. Although I know that I can commit mistakes, this won’t be a reason for me to stop trying but this should be a reason for me to keep trying.
I put my own SDLC this way because I think that the design on how I can achieve my objectives in life is already included in the planning phase. The output of the planning phase is a final list of my objectives and the steps I have to take and this will be the input for the next phase which is the Implementation. This Implementation phase starts from the day I started working with and living according to my planned objectives. This will end the time I can fulfill those things.
I think it would be better if I use the adaptive approach since I am living in a fast changing world. If I use this approach, it would be easier for me to adapt to the recent improvements in our environment thus, giving me more chances to achieve my objectives in life.